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I am good at not seeing the trees for the forest; thus one place I keep focus on is discovery. The PSTN requires that you belong to the directory, making it an added cost to not be published within. Wireless, however, is totally unpublished, though you can use services like listyourself to make your mobile number publicly known. And as for Skype, iChat, Facebook, et al, these Internet-based services all present experiences that are wildly mixed at best, evoking the famous New Yorker cartoon that offers, On the Internet no one knows you're a dog.
Web-based real time communications (WebRTC) has been distinguishing itself as a major solution to several common business issues over the last several months, allowing not only improvements in accessibility for video conferencing, but also for collaboration purposes. It has gone well beyond being a business tool as well, making even inroads into private use and even gaming. But as a medical solution, it's also starting to find some ground in supporting telemedicine, or medicine practiced via remote solutions. Net Medical Xpress Solutions, meanwhile, is looking to gain some ground on that front with its new RTC Conference Switch.
There has been speculation that WebRTC, the technology that allows peer-to-peer, realtime communications, means the end of products such as Skype and facetime. It has even been referred to as the Skype killer, but it's important to point out the differences between the two -- one being that WebRTC is a technology, not a product.
WebRTC is a technology that is fueling the growth of real-time applications and services over Internet browsers. It's still relatively new - it was only introduced in 2011 as a technology for developers to use to create voice and video chat applications via HTML and JavaScript APIs and still has a long ways to go before we'll see more everyday use cases and solutions for WebRTC. But it's growing, fast.

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